leading artist
“Just because you are good at something does not mean you have to do it”
-Eliot Porter
As a “slasher” (visual director / scenographer / educator / painter / artistic director / yoga teacher / etc / etc) I constantly shift my perspective on art, art making, risk taking, and with that shift the journey of my life. In my work as a leading artist, I invite myself and my collaborators to continuously question our artistic practice and process, question our goals, question form, narrative, language. With each new project there is a continuous search for new content and new forms of storytelling, leading to work which is different from the work I have done before, and often different from what I know how to do well. I find richness in the unknown.
With my background and experience in visual storytelling I employ visual and spatial thinking and imagination as tools to create space for generative dialogues. My projects aspire to create genuine connections among people not normally in conversation and spark a generative dialogue between people who usually do not find themselves in the same room. All of my current efforts are deeply committed to working with diverse communities, and with youth in particular. These projects give voices to young people, inviting us to listen to them so they can guide us through their world towards a more hopeful future.
No Place
Journey of a Dream
The Loop
“…a dozen rooms exquisitely designed to replicate the surreal, chameleonic chambers of the mind at rest.”
“…wandering through A Dozen Dreams truly felt like waking from one intoxicating dream into another; it thoroughly captured the imagination like few theatrical art installations I’ve come across.”
“Irina Kruzhilina offers us something we haven’t had much of lately. We are bodily immersed in this show, and very, very far from the lonely, make-do experience of streaming theater.”
“[Irina Kruzhilina’s] extraordinary designs find visual analogues for the playwrights’ evocative musings on memory, motherhood, race, sex, disease, and dreams of both the waking and sleeping variety.”